Log 2020.12
log 2020.12.15
Orico 3tb hdd reused to operate with imac retina now.
- free the space at imac retina
- parallels 16 also transfer to ext hdd
- handle cloud transfer storage
- prevent full disk used issue
log 2020.12.14
Use a reddit forum or php forum in php webpage, to form fm group.
- use to discuss football things, culture, and tactics
- club strategies and talent players among the world
- provide video watch and download full matches
- socc temp still in use, for otc, zk video and merger 2021
log 2020.12.11
Locker library and air explorer are used for bt video backup.
- lukas collection of ligue 1 by date
- sportscult for torrent video
- other league and direct video stored at locker
- temp storage for download video, and transfer to merger 2021 later