Log 2020.12
log 2020.12.15
An approach of web hosting is restarted again.
- use fungwaiwai86 as new nitroflare acct
- upgrade the nitroflare volume into 100tb
- keep all sports hd and game platform at once
- premium acct is usd 90 annually with 100gb daily bandwidth
log 2020.12.14
Use a reddit forum or php forum in php webpage, to form fm group.
- use to discuss football things, culture, and tactics
- club strategies and talent players among the world
- provide video watch and download full matches
- may become patreon or new youtube channel later
log 2020.12.13
Restore and reorganize the soccerbase at the time.
- all bt video unwatched send back to locker
- new merger folder for watched video matches storage
- clear concept and mind among the mathces
- old merger and zk video are the past, closed file
log 2020.12.12
A new backup video system has set up.
- new merger folder marked in num, merging some good matches after watching in the team drive
- new backup video for catalog into separate folders
- no duplicate video files occur from the merger and backup folder
- bt backup video is another backup catalogy
log 2020.12.11
Locker library and air explorer are used for bt video backup.
- undo ts is folder of ts temp
- bt video is stored at separate folders of catalogy
- new backup for mkv and ts file is set up
- socc temp act as locker