ltcm study
- cannot learn anyhing by past job experience
- wrong thing, but correct a learning curve on life
- know the operation of fund mgt, and ibank
depending on trend
- monitor the trending
- ai cloud for news sync
- use apps, knowledge, and money from others
stock marketplace
- asean stock market
- us and nasdaq market
- recognize the asean nat geo poilitics
- wiki access really attach at real world in the progress
many uncertainly
- use ai cloud base to solve the problem
- detection and finding a way is difference
- defeat is not hate, by contrast, no method, discovery or learning curve is terrifying
concentration and knowledge
- php server is worked on masterplan
- collect opinion and explanation
- keep concentration on effective, not to emotion shock
financial system
- fiscal policy is differed from international politic
- different structure have set up various game rule to follow
- fast, and have a wikileaks knowledge to capture news quickly
- polyglot is benefit to nat geo knowleage
- good computer skills as a hacker
- column + topic = horizon
- ecosystem = industy and trend