U.S. President Wishing to Invite South Korea, Australia, Russia and India to G7 Conference

U.S. President Donald Trump said on May 30 that he wanted to postpone the G7 summit scheduled for next month to September and invite South Korea, Australia, Russia and India to the meeting.

“The current G7 is an old-fashioned group and I want to invite the four countries to the upcoming conference,” he said, signaling that the group can be replaced with G11 down the road.

According to the White House, the U.S. president wishes to discuss the future of China with the United States’ traditional allies and countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. At present, Washington is working to exclude China from international value chains. In other words, the U.S. president is planning to use the upcoming conference to strengthen the anti-Chinese alliance led by his country.

According to diplomatic experts, the stance of the president is likely to put pressure on the South Korean government, which pursues a balance between the two superpowers.

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