Naver ranked 33rd in “The Future 50” selected by Fortune magazine.
Naver ranked 33rd in “The Future 50” selected by Fortune, a global economic magazine. Among Korean companies, only Naver and Celltrion (49th) made the list.
Regarding the selection of Naver, Fortune said, “Naver is the company that runs Korea’s largest search engine and has recently achieved more than 24 percent quarterly sales growth by focusing on fast-growing areas such as fintech, cloud computing, and webtoons.”
The Future 50 is a list of 50 promising companies that will lead the future market made Fortune with Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The business magazine selects Future 50 companies by evaluating companies with a market capitalization of more than US$2 billion or sales of more than US$1 billion in 2019 with dozens of indicators.
Naver placed 33rd, the highest among Korean companies on the list. The Korean internet portal ranked higher than global IT companies such as PayPal (34th), Amazon (37th), and Alibaba (40th). It is meaningful in that Naver aggressively entered the global market and was recognized for its growth potential as a promising company to lead the global IT market in the future. By sector, it came in third in communication services after Spotify (10th) and Twitter (23rd) and was followed by Tencent (45th) and Facebook (50th).
Meanwhile, Forbes, another U.S. economic magazine, also placed Naver ninth among the world’s most innovative companies in 2018.